I'm about to tell you a secret to life that I've just cracked. Funny enough though I don't think it was a secret considering it seems pretty obvious. I just truly think my brain finally caught on and wanted to share so that it maybe doesn't take you as long as it did for me. So here it is, get ready for it because did you know...
Fear is your Friend!
Now let me explain, cause I bet y'all be like whaaaa? And when I stumbled on "My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown" by Meera Lee Patel I was thinking the same but then It all started to click, or as they say a light bulb switched on. How can fear be my friend? Now, sure there is fear towards things like snakes, or needles and so on which are smaller and not so life-changing. The fear I'm talking about though is the ones that hold our souls back from chasing the dreams our heart desire. This all came to me in a meditation about the ego, this morning prior to me stumbling on to fear is your friend book. Now as you know the ego isn't all that bad, there is a purpose to the ego that isn't talked about often. And that's that the ego challenges the soul, making you question and compare to make sure what you are chasing after is truly what your soul desires. Fear or ego makes you step out of your comfort zone and question everything! Which I promise you is a great thing!
I am constantly going against the grain, and am one unique cookie, and honestly love it! But Oh Man do I doubt myself as well! Getting caught up in my fears and frustrations. I bet you like me have caught yourself comparing yourself to others on Instagram, Facebook or any other social media out there. Thoughts rolling into your brain softly whispering "I wish I had that body.", "They have the coolest life.", "Traveling (beautiful location name here) would be amazing, but I couldn't do that.", "This person is succeeding so much more in life!", "Look what these people are doing" and so on and so forth. You begin to doubt everything you've worked so hard to achieve in seconds and disregard all that you have done up to this point! Not cool right! It's all great to get inspired by others and what they do but try your best not to compare your life to theirs. Everyone is living their own reality and the fact of the matter is you aren't anyone but you! So embrace that and work with that, because you'll end up feeling more abundant and happy where you are in life by acknowledging all that you have achieved!
Now the only way I can sit here and write to you all about this is because I'm living a pretty fricken awesome life that works awesome for me! Which I did by getting inspired others out there doing it, and thinking to myself "if they are doing it whats stopping me!". Constantly chasing what my soul loves and feels light doing! I get paid to tavel the world as a Flight Director, have a small business performing Reiki with clients, became a yoga teacher with 800hrs of learning, have my own blog that I get to share all my thoughts, moved around Canada with plans on moving more, and am starting another small hobby job distrabuting essential oils!
How'd I get to live my dream life and loving what I do? By allowing myself to fear! Fuck I'm constantly scared of failing, not being able to do things I want to or even worse having people judge me! I was terrified that I would be a shitty flight director when I promoted myself from flight attendant. Scared that no one would come to see me as a Reiki healer when I opened up my small practice. Worried constantly that people will judge me on what I write about on this blog everytime I post. But here's the secret to it all, I never let this fear stop me from moving forward. Sure you'll hit slumps of not being confident, questioning your decisions, and if its worth it. This is just fear challenging the soul if its something you really want to do. The cool thing is the ones that the soul and heart really want to achieve will push right past that fear and make it happen no matter the odds!
So go on and get scared to try something new, go somewhere you've always wanted to go, start a job that you've dreamed of doing. At the end of the day if its what the soul and heart want's you'll achieve it! Become best friends with fear because fear is just asking you do you really want this? Instead of seeing fear as a bully about to knock you down grab it by its hand and walk down your life's journey together. Fear is my friend, now its time to make it yours too!
With that my little love bugs what are you scared of?
The White Witch