I always knew I was a writer. Amongst all the other titles I have found myself acquiring. Since I was a kid I loved writing stories, poetry, and always seemed to be able to express myself better through the written word than the ones I tried speaking out into the air. I held in a lot of my emotions and expression’s I felt as a kid growing up. Though when it was just me, a piece of paper, and pen I could always just say any and everything that was on my mind. No limitations.
Now with Angel’s and Starlight published into the world I have been feeling so many feelings. First and foremost I’m so so so proud of myself, accomplishing something that I know so many people only talk about! I wrote a book! Like what?! How amazing is it to know my art is out in the world, and people are wanting to read it! I feel like I’ve learned so much about myself! What it means to put your heart and mind to something you truly want. So much so you realize you can pretty much accomplish anything afterward! There were so many times during the formatting process that I wanted to throw my computer out the window that I honestly for months didn’t get back to the book. Yet with some calming down and humbling realization that I couldn’t do everything on my own got back to bringing Angel’s and Starlight into the world. I learned so much and through the frustrations, high’s and lows, have a little more life experience moving forward! My last feeling is grateful, for all the support from friends, family, coworkers, and strangers alike. Grateful for my editors, formater's, and Kindle self-publishing, and sister’s artwork. Grateful that I live in a world where I can create and express myself to my heart's content.
Our legend that we all want to achieve and accomplish in this life are all different and welcomed in the world. Your legend is up to you and the footprint you want to leave is all about how much you want to accomplish it. I always knew I wanted to write a book, and the craziest moment I have besides people reading my poetry which is pretty much like reading my diary…EEP! Is that I have a concrete book that has my name on the title of the book! Here we are one of my personal legends accomplished, and now opening up to my next chapter! To continue growing my legend from the day I was born till the day I die!
The last thing I want to say is how happy I am paving the way for others to go and write a book that they’ve always wanted to! There have been so many people I’ve been talking to that either have been getting inspired to start writing there own books or are finishing old ones they started. Because they have become inspired by me and my debut book Angel’s and Starlight! Realizing that if lil ol’ me can do it so can you!
So no matter what kind of legend you want to leave in this world know that you can accomplish it! Just put your mind, your soul, and your heart into it full-heartedly and the universe can’t do anything but make it a reality!
Written by:
Emma Hogan