When I decided to leave the past behind me, it came through in a dream during the New Moon in Taurus May 4th 2019, and as we are entering Gemini’s New Moon this June 2nd it’s time to share my self-reflection to you all.
In my dream I was surprising my ex for his birthday at a club. I was nervous being there and very uncomfortable, as I wasn’t really invited, but I wanted to stick around and wish him well. His two sisters were surprised I was there but didn’t skip a beat for me to sign his birthday card. When he finally walked into the club with all of his friends, family, and another ex-girlfriend of his, he was surprised by all. While I stood back and found a spot by the wall and quietly observed. Till one of the sisters pointed to me letting him know I was there. I told them not to make a fuss, but then he walked over and ended up giving him a warm embrace. He then was nervous about me and his ex being in the same place, but all I did was tell him to be careful chasing the past. Afterwards I left the club with others that were with me.
When I reflected my dream in the morning I knew that it was my unconscious mind telling me that it was me who had to stop chasing the past. That nothing was left with my ex, besides the fact I was living in the past and not the present. The feelings of being uncomfortable and out of place was a representation of how I’d been feeling in my waking life. The warmth of the hug was a longing that wasn’t being filled by his presence any more and finally the sisters represented the feminine quality of my self of welcoming it all to my conscious to be acknowledged.
Funny enough I’ve been avoiding writing this bog post since I had the dream, knowing it needed to be written but as always my stubborn side getting the best of me. Knowing in writing this I would have to realize A. accepting the fact that I’ve been living my life in the past these last few months, and B. sharing another vulnerable story like my dream to the general public. Le sigh.
The thing is just like everyone else, I have a very hard time letting people in my life. Most people know me as being very kind, bubbly, friendly, and full of energy, but this isn’t all of me. So when I truly let you in close to my heart and show you who I truly am, flaws and all… well it’s a big deal. Though the downside of this is it also means that I also have a very hard time letting you go. Especially if I was far from ready letting you go, especially romantic partners. I may not be contacting them, but it doesn’t stop me from being taken still emotionally to them stumping me on moving forward. Which I know I’m not the only one out there who has had inner turmoil letting go of there ex partners, so this post is more related to leaving past relationships where they belong…in the past. Though take what you want and apply it wherever in your own life is being help by the past.
So now here comes the sharing portion of my blog. How do we leave the past in the past, and start living in the present again? How to leave the pain, the heartache, the tears, and the many hours daydreaming a life that is no longer there and start moving on? Well here’s what been working for me on leaving the past where it belongs and getting back to living in the present.
Continue moving forward:
This is my first and foremost. However hard it seems, how much you saw your life going one way with them in it, and now it’s not… you just have to keep moving forward. Some days will be really easy and other days will be days that you simply have to remind yourself to exist. Whatever you do though keep going, your life is not the sum of another’s, your life is it’s own precious gift to the world and universe we dance within. So take hold of it!
What parts of you were they fulfilling/missing that you now are left to dealing with? Time to get to the route of the cause. When you miss them stop and ask yourself what exactly are you missing. Is it that they loved you? Ask do you truly love yourself (this one isn’t as easy as we think so go deep). Was it that they gave you attention. Why do you need their validation? Do you miss them touching you? Have you been taking care of your self physically for instance: getting yourself some healthy touch. Through hugs from friends/family, massage’s, exercise, and spa treatments. Whenever we lose a partner it starts making you aware of parts of yourself that you weren’t or hadn’t been looking after. Old beliefs and values are brought to light that were/had been projected/reflected by your partner, so time to acknowledge them, grow and heal em’!
What do you want in life? Time to get reconnected in your passions, your life goals, and what’s important to you again! Were there things in the life that you were so busy trying to create with another that you lost track or forgot the things that bring you joy in your life? Things that you want to achieve, be, explore, become? It’s time to open up to this new world of possibility again. This is your life, and you can have whatever dream, desire, and passion you can imagine! Hard truth, but maybe it’s time to let go of things you said you wanted to do but only really wanted to because you wanted to make your partner happy. That last one was hard for me, but once I realized how much I was willing to change/sacrifice my life and all that I loved for another is also a big part in realizing that we weren’t good for each other.
Very lastly, and what allows me to take a breath of fresh air when it seems too much is reminding myself that if they were meant to be in your life they will be. There are no if, and’s, or, buts about this. It’s an old saying but rings true. It might not be today, in a week, or a year from now, but if they are truly meant to be in your life the universe will have nothing but to bring your souls together. It reminds us that the past will always be apart of you but that the future is unknown. So many possibilities and surprises on its way, so that you can relax into today knowing the universe has your back, every step of the way. With that I will leave with hopefully giving some food for thought.
Live for today, the past is in the past, and the future is yet to be written.
Blog Essentials
Overnight by Maggie Rogers
Still Wondering by Jocelyn Alice, Tep No
Leaving by Ekali, Yuna
Let Me Go by Neovaii
Essential Oil
Surrender - Young Living Blend