Have you ever looked deeper into the meaning of your dreams and found out that maybe those foggy images that might not have made any sense actually was trying to tell you something? Something about yourself that your conscious mind may be trying to hide? Well guess what your dreams are speaking to you, even if it's the most ecentric way you could imagine. I've always been an avid dreamer since I was a kid. To this day I can remember my dreams from early childhood. Anything from flying ballerinas in the sky, elephants lifting me up by their trunks, to nightmares of evil rat head humans kidnapping my parents. The more I dreamed the more I wanted to dive deep into why I dream what I dream, and began realizing that there was so much to uncover! I don't doubt either that if you're reading this that you've dreamnt a dream before that had you staring at your bedroom ceiling wondering what the hell it meant. Maybe you wake up going 'I have to remember this dream', but then soon as you get outta bed you forget about them. Or how about just the pure wondering of what it all means? Well I'm going to share with you my tips tricks on diving deep and uncovering the dreaming world. How to help amp up your dreams, better remember once you've awaken, and certain meanings. So here ya'll go little dreamers my tips and tricks to get you uncovering your unconscious world! All tested out and what works best from yours truly.
Get me Dreaming
1. Selenite, and Amethyst are two of my favorite crystals to use for dream work. I've tried loads of others but find these two work best to get clear and concise messages from your dreams. Selenite will align you to your highest self, while amethyst will give a clear connection to the spiritual realm.
2. Essential oil blend of Clary sage, Chamomile, and Vetiver in your diffuser next to your bed. Have it running next to you as you go to bed. Clary sage known as a third eye essential oil will open your inner eye to allow dreams to flow in, while the chamomile will keep you calm and at ease while sleeping. Lastly Vetiver for its rooting qualities to help you keep centered and protected while you begin to drift off.
3. Setting intentions before you go to bed help centers the mind on where to focus the dream and the messages that you'd like to come through. Examples "Dream guides please show me what I should be working on/towards", "I want to focus on dreaming about how to solve/help/heal (insert problem, question here)" Though heads up sometimes the answers you receive may have deeper answers that might not be ready to be solved and will be explained later when you're more ready mentally, emotionally, or spiritually .
Remembering my dream
1. Drink a glass of water before bed and once you wake up! My Moms nifty trick that's been working ever since she told me a few years back that I love sharing with others. Drinking water before bed allows us to uncover what our unconscious world by amplifying it. Water is all about emotions, cleasning, and helps reboot the memory because you wake up doing the same thing that you intended drinking the water the night prior.
2. Dream journaling is an amazing tool to use for beginners and seasoned dreamers! Especially when trying to pick out the strong symbolism to look up, or to take note of any repetitive dreams. It also lets you put all the small pieces that may not make sense unless looking back and putting it into a big picture.
3. A big ol' Obsidian crystal at the foot of your bed, helps ground your dreams that are floating above your head into a tangible thought. It helps ground you back to earth, while protecting you from any negative energy during your night travels!
What my dream is trying to tell me
1. Look up your meanings great references for dream symbols check out Dreammoods.com, they also just came out with an app too which you can save your symbols and journal on it! There are also a bunch of great dream books out there if you like having a more traditional reference. When looking into symbolism take the things in your dreams that stand out. Break it into parts and then afterwards look at its whole.
2. Lastly find your dream buddy(ies)! Honestly I dream so much and interpret, pick apart, understand them 90% of the time on my own. But every once and awhile I get stuck and have no idea what my dream is trying to tell me. Hence chat it out! Maybe you aren't seeing something because you're to close to the message that is trying to be conveyed. An outsider can see or interrupt with fresh eyes. For instance my main dream buddy had a dream about a pool that had glass walls, but then the glass walls came down and there stood an ice wall. When he explained it to me he didn't think much of it but once I heard it I saw the meaning behind it instantly. Telling him the pool was him diving into his emotions, the walls were becoming clear to see through and as they come down there was just the next layer of emotions that were frozen and needed to be thawed out. Which ended up being accurate to what he was going through at the time. So buddy up!
Now my little dreams drink a glass of water and get to bed! Let your dreams tell you all that you are wanting to know, needing to know, and so much more! Happy dreaming!