For the last at least 5 years I would tell everyone I was done flying. That I knew what I was wanting to do, needing to do. I wanted to jump into my spiritual work fully yet, I never did. I just bitched and moaned I would, complain about the long flights I had to do. Complain that my job felt like it had no real purpose, besides transferring people from point a to b. Not saying I was ungrateful…I know it sounds like I am but I did have an amazing job, with benefits, amazing crews, travel perks, tons of free time off and so on. I just felt like this can’t be it for me.
I had this burning love for spirituality, meditation, psychology, dream work, energy healing, crystal work, plant medicine, intuitive readings, tarot, yoga and so so much more in this field. Yet was scared of leaving the security of my cushiony job in the pursuit of what my heart and soul was calling me to do. Which was becoming fully immersed in my Witch services. As time has moved forward and less support for Canadian airlines are no where in sight, I’m being pushed not only by the universe to get out of flying, but also by my own soul to provide you more of well, me!
I’m not a thousand percent sure what that looks like for me. Fully deep diving into providing alternative and holistic health services that I do. What I do know is that I need to keep taking every day one step at a time, listening to my own personal spirit guides, angels and ancestors to guide me. In doing so I will also be sharing more channeling messages from the spirit world. As true Crone energy would.
These messages come through my own personal spirit guides, ascended masters, and lord Buddha himself! With that my channeled message for you, the reader.
”The guidance (intuitive nudges) we receive as humans through the spirit world should be taken at times when the world tells us to stop, and re-evaluate our lives. What once was serving you may not be serving you any more. Ask yourself, have you heard the call of your soul when it comes to following what you truly want to be doing? Have you stopped with the rat race mindset and allowed soul to take the wheel? Have you listened to those whispers? We see you sitting in your chair asking “well how do “I” (ego “I”) even know what you’re trying to tell/guide me towards?”, Which to we reply get out of your own way and stop denying the messages that are coming through. What would you love to do? First thought is your answer, trust us, yes it’s that simple. Now begin to take the steps towards accomplishing it. Get creative! The world has slowed down so you can gather your foundation and footings. For when the time is right you will be ready to jump in leaps and bonds.”
Well thank you spirit, for that message. We hear ya loud and clear! If you’ve made it to the end of this reading and have read the message that has been channeled, well it’s meant for you! Your own intuition guided you to have stumbled on this post, and that message yes, is for you! Now take the message and apply it to your life, there is no wrong way of living only that you live it to your fullest, with all the passion, soul driven, and your high vibe self!
With that, this soon to be retired flight attendant, is leading by example as always! Soreing to new and different kind of heights!
With all the love n’ light,
Emma TWW