Ever since claiming my power as a White Witch and following the rhythm of my own drum, I’ve begun to understand more on the importance of plants as medicine. Plants are so important to us and adds so much to our overall well-being that sometimes I even forget! Plants have so much magic within them, and are the most humbling thing on this earth. I truly believe to be more abundant we should learn a thing or two from plants. They take only what they need and give so much to so many around them. They grow with only the rays of the sun, some water, and with tender love and care. They are only the simplest forms of themselves and never try to fake or be anything else but who they truly are, adapting when conditions call for it. Teaching us that everything grows at its own rate and dies at there own as well. This amoungst the many other phenomenal ways plants reflect our natural truths to us.
At first I began loving the healing power of plants without realizing the true potency of plants! Their natural ability to heal the human body, mind and overall wellness still amazes me and am looking forward to my long term path with them. My journey with plants has been an incredible one and I take it very seriously in my own healing and with the healing of others. Now before I continue on a tangent here I’d like to set the record straight that any form of plant based medicine should be used in the utmost respect that they deserve. From consuming, using oils, smoking, having in your environment or applying topically.
Its taken me awhile on how I wanted to talk about my planet medicine journey but I finally think I know how! Now what I’m about to tell you is my personal story with plants and at times when Ive used them for my own healing especially the times that were darker. This is my story and as any writer I want to share with you because the world thrives on the stories from the those around us. Take what you want, and let my story with plant medicince maybe shine light on the knowledge I’ve learnt through them. Here is to your own healing journey with plants!
One of the hardest things Ive ever had to do in my life so far was end an engagement. The toll it took on me emotionally and mentally was something that has been imprinted on me for the rest of this life. I went dark…like real dark. At my worst the little voice in my head that was tormenting me since the day I saw a mans heart shatter in his eyes, would whisper to me “just jump off your balcony, end the pain, end it all, be free from it all.” That voice was loudest at times that I stared longingly at the edge of balcony, visualizing what it would look like, feel like falling to my end. Like I’m telling you I went real dark! Now thank the heavens I had my yoga practice! Meditation taught me that I wasn’t my thoughts and to only witness them as if a cloud passing by in the sky. My beliefs as well and possibly the biggest savior next to the healing plant I’m about to talk about was my belief of being reincarnated back and having to go through all this pain again. And fuck that if I was going to have to go through all of it again in another life! I knew there was an end and I was just going through it. Now my bestie, bless her soul that worked in the medical cannabis industry suggested I smoke Marijuana for my obvious depression, lack of apatite and “I’m fine” when clearly I wasn’t attitude. I had only occasionally smoked Cannabis recreationally growing up, because hey who didn’t love being mellow and eating all the munchies! But my true respect to the plant and utmost love and appreciation came when it allied me to over coming my depression, allowing me to cry and process my emotions properly letting them no longer consume me. Find my appetite when I didn’t have the taste for food, and relaxed me enough to no longer give the suicidal whispers acknowledgement allowing me to sleep peacefully during the nights and the days as well. If I didn’t have Cannabis I would’ve had to have been on sleeping, and depression pills which wouldn’t have helped me process my grief and only numb me from it. I’m extremely grateful for Cannabis, and that it was accessible to me during that time of my life. I’m also extremely happy that this October 17th, Cannabis will be legal in Canada. Such a gentle yet powerfully healing plant that allows so much healing on all levels is greatly needed I believe.
Alright next up, my miscarriage. Eek! I know, what you had a miscarriage?! Yes I did just this year, and I’m ready to talk about it fully and what plant helped me through the healing. Now firstly I believe it is extremely important to share these kind of stories because as woman our stories make us stronger as a whole and to let you know. 1. It is completely normal, and it does happen. 2. There’s nothing to be ashamed or feel guilty about. 3. Take all the time in the world to heal such an event in your life. There is no timeline on healing and everyone is different with different variants so don’t worry if you are still healing years after your miscarriage. Now here’s a little bit about my miscarriage. I was 4-5 weeks pregnant when I miscarried though had no idea. I had a copper IUD that had been working fantastically for 4 years though while during my Ireland vacation with my at the time almost 1 year boyfriend it shifted. We both felt it, and knew that we should’ve been careful, but hey we were on vacation! I promised the second I landed back in Vancouver I would get it checked which I did. I told the Gynecologist that I wanted to get a pregnancy test but also told her I was close to my cycle. While she examined me she said it looked like my period was close so she didn’t press further for a pregnancy test, and me trusting her diagnoses I didn’t push further as well, because she knew best right? While replacing the old IUD with a new one this is what dislodged the fetus from my cervix. 2 weeks later, that had been full of excruciatingly painful cramps, I found the fetus pass through at 4am on my Toronto layover leaving back to Vancouver that morning. The second I landed I was in the hospital, finding out on the same day that I was pregnant I had also miscarried. Now I was extremely blessed to have the most amazing and supportive boyfriend at the time that without him I truly don’t think I would have made it through all of what I want through physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to go through that with, and will forever be in his debt for holding me so tenderly as a healed. I also have to give the biggest love to my own mother who flew in from Calgary with a heart condition at the time to support me and take care of me during the initial days of finding out I miscarried.
Now a month or so later after the initial shock of everything I had been holding everything in again. I could feel it in my body especially in the shoulders and mid back. I had also stopped crying even though I wanted to for the loss of a possible future with a sweet little baby I would never meet. Now my next plant that allowed me to process and fully let go of my guilt, my shame, my sadness of a future of a child that would never come into existence, and truly heal my grief was a controversial plant known for opening up new paths in the brain. Allowing for one to open up to heal on all levels. Was known other then shrooms or better known as magic mushrooms on the streets. Now this wasn’t the first time that Shrooms has healed me as Ive had very profound healing through this lovely little fungi. But for my miscarriage it was the most profound. I had been laying my back against my boyfriend in the bath on the sunshine coast celebrating our 1 year together, while the healing trance of psilocybin hit. While relaxing and just enjoying one another, entranced by a Kaleidoscope video with calming music. My focus was brought to the ache in my shoulders i’d been feeling and the second my mind was open enough to listen to what my body was trying to tell me I heard it . A soft yet crystal clear child like voice whispered to me “Mama”. Which obviously through me into a fit of healing tears. This had been the last release I needed in my grief and I had shrooms to open my perspective to know it was all going to be ok. Once I had shed the last tear I knew it was the last bit of healing I needed to process, and the shoulder/back pain? Gone! The aches and pain I’d been feeling for weeks had finally released through. This wasn’t the first healing experience Ive had a shrooms and have had other healings because of the effects of this beautiful earth loving fun guy.
I’m a true advocate of plant medicine and have been so blessed to have had the healing experiences with mother earths own medicine. Lastly the planet medicine I use on a daily bases to help me heal is of course Essential Oils. Which has been my companions through all of these experiences, whether it was grabbing a bottle of Lavender to aid with my stress levels spiking and aid in my sleep, a mix of Neroli and Bergamot to help with my depression. Helichrysum and Rose to balance me to open to heal with only love in my heart through the death of my fetus, and all the other oils that have supported me. I’ve been extremely grateful to plants, and am in awe always of the magic, healing they’ve allowed to encompass in my journey. And in hope that if you were curious of using plants for any of your healing journey that this helps brings another perspective to the potency of their benefits. I’m forever in mother earths debt for her powerful plant medicine she shares with the world.
Happy healthy plant healing’s to all,
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, therapist, psychologist or any other profession of health and don’t prescribe any of the above plant medicine to anyone reading. Only share my story as a way to share what plants have worked for me on my healing journey.